Fast Weight Loss

Sunday, April 5, 2009

How to Lose 30 Pounds - 7 Tips For Losing Weight in Less Than 30 Days!

People want to lose weight for many different reasons, but their primary motivation is to improve their appearance. However, there are many more benefits you can enjoy, if you get rid of excess body fat.

    The Benefits of losing weight:
  • You will increase your longevity (thin people usually live longer than obese ones).
  • You will decrease your cholesterol revels.
  • You will reduce the risk of getting cancer (according to various clinical studies, body fat is the storage place of cancer-causing chemicals in both men and women.)
  • You will lower the probability of ever suffering of heart disease.
  • You can cure your sleep disorders (overweight people often suffer from various sleep disorders, like apnea).

Most people who are obese got to where they are, because of practicing bad eating habits.

Here are 7 quick tips that can help you get back on the right track:

  1. Drink more than 8 glasses of water every day. Large quantities of water can raise your metabolism and help your body get rid of toxins.
  2. Use a smaller plate: using a smaller plate can make you think you are eating more food than you really are.
  3. Eat slowly: the slower you eat, the less food it takes to get full, because it can take up to 20 minutes for the body's signal to reach the brain.
  4. Don't skip breakfast: when you skip meals your body thinks it's starving and slows down your metabolism.
  5. Tone your muscles with weight training: muscle mass helps your body burn more calories.
  6. Eat more eggs: a new study claims that eating eggs for breakfast can help you limit your daily calorie intake, by more than 400 calories.
  7. Use Color Therapy: believe it or not, the color blue can act as an appetite suppressant. So you can cover your table with blue tablecloth or serve dinner on blue plates.

If you really want to Lose 30 Pounds in 30 days safely and easily just Click Here!

HealthDay - THURSDAY, April 2 (HealthDay News) -- By uncovering a mechanism that causes damage to brain synapses during Alzheimer's disease, researchers might have found a key to reducing or preventing nerve degeneration for these patients.

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